The international conference of Zakat (ICONZ) is expected to take place in Surabaya. This year, the ICONZ is going to be held its fourth times by its initiator, the Center of Strategic Studies, The National Board of Zakat, Republic of Indonesia (Puskas BAZNAS).

The Ministry of Religious Affairs Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag) is expected to provide financial support for the 4th ICONZ. The team has decided the conference to be held in Tunjungan, Surabaya at Swiss-Belinn Hotel.

Three universities which are Trisakti University, Airlangga University and Kyoto University plan to join as the committee of the 4th ICONZ. These universities also will contribute to be scientific committee with their representatives.

The collaboration that involves regulator and reputable universities aims at sharpening the ICONZ’s position to lead the global conference of zakat.