The National Amil Zakat Agency held the 6th Indonesian Conference of Zakat (ICONZ) & Expo 2022 at UIN Walisongo on November 30 to December 1, 2022. The implementation of the sixth ICONZ became more special than the previous year because apart from collecting Call for Papers for the best papers presented and published in the BAZNAS journal, there was also the implementation of the Mustahik MSME Expo assisted by the Zakat Management Institute both BAZNAS and LAZ as well as the launching of the mustahik entrepreneur product export. Thus, this activity can increase the economic potential of mustahik, which is exhibited directly to all ICONZ participants and stakeholders.

The implementation of the sixth ICONZ BAZNAS & Expo entitled "Escalating Economic Recovery for Future Resilience and Sustainable Socio-economic Growth through Zakat Inclusion" is expected to increase enthusiasm for zakat literacy in the general public and economic empowerment of mustahik. This theme aligns with the momentum of the G20 presidency, which will be held in Indonesia in 2022 and bringing the theme “Recover Together, Recover Stronger”.

Call for Paper activities have been opened and will be closed on 20 November. The papers collected not only come from the work of Indonesian academics but also from abroad. The best papers will be invited and presented at the ICONZ conference in Semarang later. The implementation of the sixth ICONZ BAZNAS in collaboration with three Islamic campuses, namely UIN Walisongo, UIN Wahid Hasyim, and UIN Nahdatul Ulama Jepara, as well as the Central Java provincial government and BAZNAS Central Java Province.

Rep: Puskas BAZNAS