Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs Number 333/2015 concerning Guidelines for Issuing Permits to Establish Amil Zakat Institutions (LAZ) is a regulation that is currently being revised. The decree is considered to require changes based on evaluations from various parties. The finalization of this revision took place from Wednesday to Friday, 8-10 February 2023 (8-10/02/2023) at Hotel 101 Urban Jakarta. This meeting was attended by various parties including the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Directorate of Research and Development of BAZNAS, the Legal Bureau of BAZNAS, the Zakat Forum (FOZ), and the Association of Zakat Management Organizations (POROZ).
The formulation of this regulation started with increasing the legal status of the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs (KMA) to become a Ministerial Regulation (PMA). It is intended that LAZ licensing regulations will be more binding in the future. By following the formulation of the new regulations, the process of establishing and extending LAZ will be carried out through an information system provided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This finalization also revises the content in the regulation, one of which is that LAZ must be willing to submit the annual work plan and budget (RKAT) to BAZNAS as well as submit a report through BAZNAS's integrated information system called SiMBA. This is done so that zakat management works can be aligned between BAZNAS and LAZ to achieve the national zakat collection target.
In addition, the new regulation also regulates the requirements for the establishment of LAZ. One of the amended regulations is the recommendation of the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS), which originally was limited to being given only by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), however, in the new regulation, this recommendation can be given by other recognized Islamic organizations in Indonesia. The DPS must also be willing to provide regular reports on the results of internal sharia supervision of LAZ which it supervises.
The LAZ licensing process in the future will be overseen by a Licensing Committee whose members are representatives of institutions that have strategic positions from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, BAZNAS, BNPT, PPATK, and POLRI. The Licensing Committee will also oversee the extension of LAZ by considering the results of accreditation which will assess LAZ's performance. The existence of this Licensing Committee is intended to ensure the LAZ licensing process is under the existing regulatory framework. In addition, with the existence of this Licensing Committee, it is expected that the process of establishing and extending LAZ can run more quickly, effectively, and efficiently. Going forward, the determination of a national or provincial scale LAZ extension license will automatically apply to LAZ representative permit extensions.