The Director of the ZIS DSKL Research and Development Division served as one of the speakers at the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Synergy to Increase Sharia Financial Inclusion in Rural Communities on Wednesday (12/11). One of the key topics discussed during the session was the concept of Sharia Financial Inclusion through Village Infaq.

Village Infaq is a voluntary system of zakat (ZIS DSKL) management based on love and compassion (love for charity) with a collective management approach. The distribution and utilization of the collected infaq are carried out based on collective agreements, ensuring that the benefits are impactful and sustainable. Consequently, the infaq collected from rural communities is returned to them, aimed at improving the welfare of the village communities themselves.

One of the best practices of Village Infaq management can be seen in the Kampung Zakat initiative established through the Village Zakat Collection Units (UPZ Desa), which was initiated by BAZNAS of Ciamis Regency. This program embodies the principle of zakat management based on local wisdom, known as "Karaos, Kahartos, Aya Buktos", which translates to "Clear/Transparent, Tangible Benefits, and Evident Accountability."

The successful practice of the Village UPZ in promoting sharia financial inclusion among rural communities is recommended for replication in other regions. This initiative aims to increase the welfare and economic empowerment of rural communities, demonstrating a sustainable model for advancing sharia financial inclusion at the grassroots level.


Red. Directorate of ZIS DSKL Research and Development