The National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Indonesia successfully hosted the 8th International Conference on Zakat (ICONZ) 2024, producing five key resolutions aimed at enhancing the management of zakat, infak, and sedekah (ZIS) across ASEAN.

The conference, themed "The Zakat Contribution Towards World Poverty Alleviation and Welfare," concluded at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) on Thursday, December 19, 2024. It was attended by zakat practitioners from ASEAN countries, including Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, and Myanmar, as well as participants from Jordan, alongside Indonesian zakat practitioners and academics.

The event was organized in collaboration with BAZNAS, the School of Business and Management ITB, Rumah Amal Salman, and BAZNAS West Java Province.

The resolutions were read by Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal, Director of Research and Development for Zakat, Infak, Sedekah (ZIS), and Other Religious Social Funds (DSKL) of BAZNAS RI, on behalf of Prof. (HC.) Dr. Zainulbahar Noor, SE, M.Ec., the BAZNAS RI Commissioner for Planning, Research, and Development.

"Recognizing zakat as a principal instrument to address socio-economic disparities, we, the participants of the 8th International Conference on Zakat (ICONZ), comprising academics, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders, reaffirm our commitment to advancing zakat as a catalyst for sustainable development," Hasbi stated.

He emphasized that the resolutions outlined strategies to enhance zakat management, foster innovation, and expand its social impact, with a special focus on ASEAN collaboration to tackle shared challenges and leverage regional opportunities.

The five resolutions agreed upon at the 8th ICONZ in Bandung are as follows:

  1. Commitment to Interdisciplinary Zakat Research
    Participants committed to advancing interdisciplinary zakat research, focusing on innovative solutions for poverty alleviation, social empowerment, and economic resilience. To support this, a Zakat Research Consortium will be established to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among global and regional stakeholders, including ASEAN countries.

  2. Integration of Zakat Studies into Academic Curricula
    Efforts will be made to incorporate zakat studies into university curricula, emphasizing expertise in Islamic finance, modern zakat administration, and social welfare. Participants also pledged to promote mutual recognition of academic programs and certifications across ASEAN and partner with professional bodies to offer tailored training and skill development programs for zakat practitioners.

  3. Support for Digitalization of Zakat Management
    There was a strong commitment to advancing the digitalization of zakat management systems to enhance efficiency, transparency, and accessibility. An ASEAN Zakat Tech Hub will be established to foster innovation in digital platforms and promote the use of data analytics to maximize the impact of zakat programs.

  4. Strengthening ASEAN Collaboration on Socio-Economic Challenges
    The conference underscored the importance of ASEAN collaboration in addressing socio-economic challenges through zakat initiatives, with a focus on poverty alleviation, education, and healthcare. Regional partnerships will be leveraged to create community-based pilot projects showcasing best practices in zakat utilization and impact measurement, ensuring inclusivity for vulnerable groups.

  5. Formation of the ASEAN Zakat Network
    Participants committed to formalizing the ASEAN Zakat Network to encourage ongoing dialogue, strategic planning, and joint initiatives among ASEAN member countries. The network will prioritize ASEAN’s socio-economic goals, including poverty alleviation, financial inclusion, and sustainable development.

These resolutions aim to elevate the role of zakat as a vital instrument for addressing socio-economic disparities and fostering regional collaboration to achieve sustainable development goals.