Arifin Purwakananta

The National Board of Zakat (BAZNAS) appeals society to entrust the zakat, infaq, and shadaqah to the officials zakat institutions. Based on Act No.23/2011, the officials zakat institutions are BAZNAS and other government licensed zakat institutions.

The appeal is to respond to society fidgetiness on the suspicion of misused ummah fund.

“BAZNAS highly appreciates the willingness to share for the people in need. To support the society willingness, BAZNAS appeals people to choose the official institutions that have been audited in the zakat, infaq, and shadaqah management,” said the Director of National Collection, Communication, and Information of BAZNAS, Arifin Purwakananta in Jakarta on Thursday (4/5).

Based on the act, BAZNAS is an institution that is authorized to do the zakat management nationally. In doing its duty and function, BAZNAS both in central and in provincial as well as districts and municipality form zakat collector unit (UPZ) in goverment agencies, state owned enterprises, regional owned enterprises, private companies, and representatives of Indonesia in other countries. The UPZ can also be formed to the village level.

Meanwhile, the zakat institions (LAZ) as a community (private) managed institutions, based on the Act No. 23/2011 are formed to support BAZNAS in doing the zakat collection, distribution, and utilization.

“BAZNAS and official LAZ keep on improving the service to ease society to pay zakat, infaq, and shadaqah, both conventionally and digitally. From the disbursement side, both BAZNAS and LAZ are keep on innovating to create programs which have great benefits for the eligible people,” he said.

Before serving the communities, LAZ is required to get permission from Minister or officials appointed by the Minister to handle the religious affairs (Minister of Religious Affair). The permission, said Arifin, is given only if the LAZ fulfill some requirements, among others is registered as an Islamic civic organization that play role in education, dakwah, and social sectors.

Other requirements are the LAZ is legal and has recommendation from BAZNAS. Moreover, it also has to have shariah supervisor and has technical, administrative, and financial abilities to do its activities.

As a manager of zakat, LAZ must be nonprofit and has a program to utilize the zakat for the society welfare. Another requirement that must be met is willing to be audited in sharia and finance periodically.

Until Thursday (4/5), the recommendations from BAZNAS which then were continued by the licenses from the Ministry of Religious Affairs have been given to LAZ at national, provincial and district / city levels.

The following is the list of LAZ:

LAZ National Scale

  1. LAZ Rumah Zakat Indonesia
  2. LAZ Daarut Tauhid
  3. LAZ Baitul Maal Hidayatullah
  4. LAZ Dompet Dhuafa Republika
  5. LAZ Nurul Hayat
  6. LAZ Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia
  7. LAZ Yatim Mandiri Surabaya
  8. LAZ Lembaga Manajemen Infak Ukhuwah Islamiyah
  9. LAZ Dana Sosial Al Falah Surabaya
  10. LAZ Pesantren Islam Al Azhar
  11. LAZ Baitulmaal Muamalat
  12. LAZ Lembaga Amil Zakat Infak dan Shadaqah Nahdatul Ulama (LAZIS NU)
  13. LAZ Global Zakat
  14. LAZ Muhammadiyah
  15. LAZ Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia
  16. LAZ Perkumpulan Persatuan Islam
  17. LAZ Rumah Yatim Arrohman Indonesia

 LAZ Provincial Scale

  1. LAZ Baitul Maal FKAM
  2. LAZ Semai Sinergi Umat
  3. LAZ Dompet Amal Sejahtera Ibnu Abbas (DASI) NTB
  4. LAZ Dompet Sosial Madani (DSM) Bali
  5. LAZ Harapan Dhuafa Banten
  6. LAZ Solo Peduli Ummat
  7. LAZ Dana Peduli Umat Kalimantan Timur

 LAZ District/City Scale

  1. LAZ Yayasan Kesejahteraan Madani
  2. LAZ Swadaya Ummah
  3. LAZ Ibadurrahman
  4. LAZ Abdurrahman Bin Auf
  5. LAZ Komunitas Mata Air Jakarta
  6. LAZ Bina Insan Madani Dumai
  7. LAZ DSNI Amanah Batam
  8. LAZ Rumah Peduli Umat Bandung Barat
  9. LAZ Ummul Quro’ Jombang
  10. LAZ Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional Baitul Mal Madinatul Iman
  11. LAZ Dompet Amanah Umat Sedati Sidoarjo

Meanwhile, the LAZ which have received the BAZNAS recommendation but still take care of the permit in the Ministry of Religious Affairs are as follows

LAZ National Scale

LAZ Provincial Scale

LAZ District/City Scale

  1. LAZ Zakatku Bakti Persada
  2. LAZ Indonesia Berbagi
  3. LAZ Amal Madani Indonesia
  4. LAZ Insan Masyarakat Madani
  5. LAZ Al Bunyan Bogor

BAZNAS is currently continuing to verify the LAZ requesting a recommendation for an operational license from the Ministry of Religious Affairs.


(Source news: | Trans: amelya/

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