Jakarta (17/01) Indonesia as a the largest Muslim population in the world, indeed has a huge zakat potential. BAZNAS Chairman Bambang Sudibyo, said that every year zakat collection continues to increase. In 2010, the zakat potential in Indonesia obtained was around Rp. 217 trillion and continued to increase in 2016, which touched Rp. 286 trillion.

To unravel this potential in each province, regencies and city. Puskas Baznas and the Islamic Economics College (STEI) Al-Ishlah conduct research collaboration on the Zakat Potential Mapping Indicator (IPPZ).

This procession is expected that BAZNAS will be heavily involved in qualified zakat research activities that can enhance the role of zakat in the contemporary economic development. It is also expected to increase the literacy of best practices of zakat management of Indonesia at the international level.
