On 4th October 2023, the Kick Off Measurement of National Zakat Index (IZN) 2023 was carried out in the early morning via an online Zoom Meeting. The commencement of the IZN 2023 measurement was presided over by Prof. DR. K.H Noor Achmad, MA ,the Chairman of The National Board of Zakat of Republic Indonesia (BAZNAS RI), who delivered an opening speech to inaugurate the event. In addition to his opening remarks, he also conveyed several important points. IZN 2023 will be measured based on the programs we intend to assess, and the components will be assessed collectively. This is because the components will continually evolve in accordance with the developments and demands arising from our collaborative efforts. Furthermore, there are four areas of strengthening, as I have previously mentioned: Institutional Strengthening, Management Strengthening, Human Resources Strengthening, and Networking Strengthening as it is through these aspects that we will measure the IZN.

Mr. Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal, Ph.D, the Director of Research and Development (DKPN ZIS-DSKL) of The National Board of Zakat of Republic Indonesia, also participated as a speaker on the subject of the IZN 2023 measurement. The urgency of conducting the IZN 2023 measurement is in accordance with the decision of Chairman of The National Board of Zakat of Republic Indonesia No. 57 of 2021 regarding the Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the National Board of Zakat. This decision takes into consideration the transitional period of the Centre of Strategic Studies (Puskas BAZNAS) and designates the planning, implementation, and reporting of the IZN measurement activities as the responsibility of the Directorate of Research and Development BAZNAS RI . The National Zakat Index becomes a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for BAZNAS in supporting the goals of zakat management in the year 2023. The IZN serves as the foundation for policy-making in national zakat management, including its use as an assessment criterion for the BAZNAS Award in 2023. Additionally, Mr. Hasbi also explained the components of IZN 2023 and the technicalities of filling out the IZN 2023 through the existing application.

Moreover, this Kick Off of IZN 2023 measurement was attended by all provincial BAZNAS branches, BAZNAS branches at the district/city level, and all LAZ organizations throughout Indonesia. The event proceeded smoothly, ensuring that all pertinent information was clearly conveyed to all BAZNAS and LAZ entities in Indonesia.