Monday, March 25, 2024, became a historic moment with the inauguration of the Zakat Management Laboratory which is a collaboration between the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication (FDIKOM) UIN Jakarta and The National Board of Zakat (BAZNAS) of the Republic of Indonesia. The event was held at the Dr. Aqib Suminto Theater, 2nd floor of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta, with the theme "Strengthening the Zakat Ecosystem through the Ziswaf Laboratory Program in Higher Education".

The inauguration of this laboratory marks a step forward in developing the science and practice of zakat management that is more qualified and sustainable. With the collaboration between higher education institutions and amil zakat institutions, it is expected that there will be a strong synergy in creating innovations and updates in zakat management in Indonesia.

The inauguration event was also filled with talk shows involving zakat experts and practitioners from various backgrounds, both academics and field practitioners. They shared their experiences, insights, and latest thoughts on efforts to strengthen the zakat ecosystem through zakat laboratory programs in universities.

Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, Dean of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta, in his speech stated that the collaboration between FDIKOM UIN Jakarta and BAZNAS RI is a strategic step in strengthening the role of universities in producing knowledge and best practices in zakat management.

Meanwhile, Prof. (HC). Dr. Zainulbahar Noor, SE, M.Ec as the head of BAZNAS RI, emphasized the importance of joint efforts in strengthening the zakat ecosystem in Indonesia. According to him, this laboratory will be a place for students, researchers, and practitioners to collaborate in developing ideas and innovations in more effective and sustainable zakat management.

With this Zakat Management Laboratory, it is hoped that a generation of competent and integrity leaders and managers of zakat will be born, and a conducive ecosystem will be created for the development of zakat and waqf as instruments of sustainable social and economic development in Indonesia.