PT Pertamina (Persero) Areas of Southern Sumatra (Sumbagsel) took BAZNAS in the free health program for the poor. The cooperation is done in the form of giving Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the company to the “Rumah Sehat BAZNAS” (RSB) Timah Pangkal Pinang.

The CSR is given in the form of Medical Devices to add medical equipments of RSB Timah Pangkal Pinang, so that the health care for the poor mustahik Pangkal Pinang and Bangka become more vibrant.

The aids will be handed by CSR section of PT Pertamina (Persero) Tbk. Area Sumbagsel, Haris Yanuanza to the Head of CSR, Fitriansyah Agus Setiawan in RSB Timah Pangkal Pinang, RE Martadinata Street, Ampui, Pangkal Balam, Pangkal Pinang City, Tuesday (17/1).

In the event, it will also be held the Health Counseling : Dental and Mouth of Elderly, Ear and Nose as well as Diabetes Mellitus and also recitation.

Director of the Amil Zakat Nasional, Arifin Purwakananta welcomes the cooperation with Pertamina. The cooperation shows that CSR increasingly contribute to the community development programs, especially for the poor who need a helping hand.

"BAZNAS continue to innovate to create programs that greatly benefit the poor with the participation of the partners who have the same vision for the development of people," he said.

Through this partnership, BAZNAS program will be more measureable and have a positive impact on decreasing social inequalities in Indonesia.

In addition to the Pangkal Pinang City, RSB has existed in four cities, namely Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Sidoarjo and Makassar. RSB was founded on the cooperation of various parties, one of them is with the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to fund the building construction and to buy medical devices. The land used is an endowment from local organizations, while the zakat funds are used as RSB operational funds, including the purchase of medicines.

Every month RSB provides health care to thousands of poor people for free. A variety of services are available, both inside and outside the building to actively visited the pockets of poverty.

Improving health services to the community is one of the points in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where BAZNAS actively take the zakat movement in Indonesia to contribute to the development of the world.

(Transl: amelya /